You might want to add content to the metadata of a PDF document that remains hidden from most viewers, and is only available to a client who knows to look for that content. This would not necessarily need to be encrypted; you simply want to add... Read More
The first line of every PDF document is a file header with the characters “%PDF-“ followed by a version number, shown as “1.n,” where “n” would be a digit from 0 to 7. So the first line of a PDF document might look like this: %PDF-1.7... Read More
The Relaxed Syntax flag with Adobe PDF Library 15 and 18 allows a developer to intentionally bypass invalid formatting when opening and working with input documents and PDF files. Setting this flag to “true” allows an application to correct... Read More
The problem This case focuses on a customer reported performance issue when using .NET, specifically the GetWordList(int pageNum) function in an Azure Function environment. The reported problem involves significant latency when executing the... Read More