Color profiles are standards for managing colors, used to guarantee that the colors for text or graphics in a file remain the same regardless of the hardware or software used to display, edit, or print that file. A color profile is usually included... Read More
PDF2IMG: Colors
Both PDF2IMG and Adobe Acrobat offer an Overprint Preview (OPP) option. Sometimes in printing a color in a graphic or image is printed directly on top of another color. The color on top can be opaque, and completely cover, or “knock out,” the... Read More
The intent option in PDF2IMG allows you to tell the software how to select substitute colors when generating a graphic image output file. You can select from a list of strategies to pursue when converting the colors in a PDF document to the colors in... Read More
PDF2IMG does not provide color separation. But you can use the Adobe PDF Library to create color-separated output files. The process is demonstrated using the Adobe PDF Library sample programs, CreateSeparations for C++ and EPSSeparations for .NET or... Read More