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Quick Reference to Commonly Seen Error Codes

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Returned exceptions are documented in the Adobe PDF Library header file AcroErr.h, but some are seen more than others, and this table provides more information on some of the more common ones, and their likely causes. Each can be quickly broken down into three components after first converting the returned value from Decimal to Hexadecimal (if required).

The hexadecimal value can be visually separated into its three component fields: Severity, System and Error:


Four returned values are defined (plus zero, if you want to count that, indicating that No Error Occurred):

  1. ErrWarning: Warning only
  2. ErrSuppressable: Error, but only displayed if the user has not suppressed errors
  3. ErrSilent: Error, but never displayed
  4. ErrAlways: Typically the worst error to return, and is shown always, regardless of user's suppression setting

Note: Oddly, comments in the AcroErr.h file only list values 1, 2 and 4 above (None, Warning and Severe respectively), with no mention of 3 (ErrSilent) at all.


This value here is further defined by the specific Error within this group that will be returned. (Technically, a zero value represents ErrSysNone, when no error occurred.)

  1. ErrSysCos: CosStore, filters errors

  2. ErrSysCosSyntax: Cos syntax errors

  3. ErrSysPDDoc: PDDoc and family, Page tree, outlines errors

  4. ErrSysPDPage: PDPage and family, thumbs, annotations errors

  5. ErrSysPDModel: Global PD errors

  6. ErrSysAcroView: AcroView errors

  7. ErrSysPage: Page parsing and RIPping errors

  8. ErrSysFontSvr: Font Server errors

  9. ErrSysRaster: Rasterizer errors

  10. ErrSysASFile: ASFile I/O errors

  11. ErrSysXtnMgr: Extension Manager errors

  12. ErrSysXtn: New error codes added by extensions

  13. ErrSysMDSystem: Platform-specific system errors

  14. ErrSysMDApp: Platform-specific application errors

  15. ErrSysPDFX: PDFX-specific errors

  16. ErrSysPDFEdit: PDFEdit errors

  17. ErrSysPDSEdit: PDSEdit (structure) errors

  18. ErrSysPDMetadata: XAP Metadata errors


This is the level from which a specific return error code will be assembled, along with a short message string. There are too many individual errors to itemize here, but AcroErr.h shows them all.

Commonly Reported Error Codes


Returned Code (Decimal) Hexadecimal Equivalent (See next 3 columns) Severity System Error

Possible Cause(s)

536936462 2001000E ErrSuppressable ErrSysCos cosErrExpectedDict Expected a dict object.


20010010 ErrSuppressable ErrSysCos cosErrExpectedNumber A number object was expected.
537001995 2002000B ErrSuppressable ErrSysCosSyntax cosSynErrUnknownTokenType Unrecognized token type.
537001998 2002000E ErrSuppressable ErrSysCosSyntax cosSynErrUnterminatedString Unterminated string.
537002019 20020023 ErrSuppressable ErrSysCosSyntax cosSynErrBadObjStream There is an error in the object stream.
537067523 20030003 ErrSuppressable ErrSysPDDoc pdErrBadRootObj The root object is missing or invalid.
537067605 20030055 ErrSuppressable PDDoc and family pdErrCMapNotFound

The encoding (CMap) specified by a font is missing.

This may be the single most-commonly-returned exception, reported when the Library is attempting (unsuccessfully) to locate the Character Map (CMap) file specified by a document font. The root cause of the problem may be that the CMap is indeed missing, but more commonly this arises when the application cannot find its CMap folder at all. 

Missing CMaps for uncommon font applications could occur frequently in past years when the Library shipped with a much smaller selection, and thus you would need to identify the problem CMap file and track down a copy of it. However, newer series such as Adobe PDF Library v15.0.4Plus ship with well over 200 CMaps included. An occurrence of this error now is more likely to suggest that the Library is looking in the wrong location(s) for its font resources, and possibly cannot find any of them. This might happen if, for example, your application was built in one location, moved to another, but the resources folder was either left behind or defined with an absolute path location instead of a relative one. 

As distributed in a release unpacked to its default locations, the CMap folder can be found under the C:\Datalogics\APDFL15.0.4\Resources path. (Fonts, Color profiles and other resources will be found in that same folder.) Adobe applications using those folders will place quick-loading text files of the filename pattern AdobeFnt*.lst in each Font and CMap folder in use, so if you do not see an AdobeFnt*.lst file in the CMap location (e.g. AdobeFnt16.1.lst in the APDFL v15.0.4Plus series) after running one or more instances of your APDFL application, look to see whether the CMap folder has been correctly defined as a resource location. 

In C++ terms, you can specify additional or alternate resource locations (font folders, CMap folders, etc.) by adding the path as an entry in the dirList array, as seen in the InitializeLibrary.cpp file under the C:\Datalogics\APDFL15.0.4\CPlusPlus\Sample_Source\_Common path. 

In .NET terms, you can perform a similar setting as an optional argument when instantiating a new Library: 

using (Library lib = new Library()) 

If you look at the definition of the optional parameters of the Library() call above, you will see a string CMapPath available, letting you point the application at the location of your CMap files. However, you may not need this modification as long as the Resources tree travels with the application, and can be pointed to via a relative path to its default location. 

1073807365 40010005 ErrAlways ErrSysCos cosErrRebuildFailed Could not repair file.
1073938473 40030029 ErrAlways ErrSysPDDoc pdErrNoCryptHandler The security plug-in required by this command is unavailable.
1074003975 40040007 ErrAlways



As described in AcroErr.h, this is parsed out as 

 Severity 4 (the first 4 bits), 
 System 04 (after the second 4 bits are skipped as a reserved field): “PDPage and family, thumbs, annotations errors,” and 
 Error 7, returned as pdPErrUnableToOpenPrinter 

According to that message, it appears that the application failed to get in two-way contact with the printer, such as to obtain its Device Context information, and thus it could not construct a correct print job for it. There might be some issue with network traffic, or a printer that is responding too slowly. If that problem is only sporadically occurring, the Library application may not be at fault here. 

1074397190 400A0006 ErrAlways ErrSysASFile fileErrIO A file I/O error has occurred.
Quick Reference to Commonly Seen Error Codes

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