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Changing the fulfillment URL in Adobe Content Server

Estimated Reading Time: 3 Minutes

If you are an Adobe Content Server administrator that needs to change the fulfillment URL of your ACS installation, perhaps because you may be moving ACS to the cloud, please be aware that there are additional steps to be taken to do so successfully as described below:


If you make changes to the fulfillment URL you will need to respond with further changes.

If you want to change the host name, or change from using an IP address to a host name, or simply change or add or remove the port number, the change yields a new string for the fulfillment URL.

If you are moving to a cloud solution, you often have to change the host name.

If your fulfillment URL changes, please make sure you request a new ACS certificate. You should send us a new request by email, or support portal, or the form that is included in the documentation section from the ACS software. There is no additional cost in licensing fees to issuing a new certificate, whether it is a change or an addition of a new server.

The following steps need to be completed together. Read through this material first. Then, make sure that you plan your changes carefully before you start, and then schedule down time for performing the changes.

  1. After you obtain the new certificate from Datalogics, you can swap out the p12 file and password in the fulfillment config file. Then, restart Tomcat services for the changes to take effect.
  2. Update your packaging server and admin console URL. If you need to change these also, make sure that admin and packaging config files are updated to the new URL. Then, restart Tomcat.
  3. Run a status check on all services, fulfillment, admin and packaging. Make sure that the changes have been completed correctly up to this point. Test to see if you can package a new book and then download it.

The following then needs to be changed if necessary.

  1. If you have already packaged any books that need to continue to work after the URL changes, check the download path for these existing books. The download path should be changed to the new URL. There are usually two places that use this URL, the src and thumbnailURL fields in table resourceitem. These can be changed by running SQL commands. Check the syntax for string replacement for the database you are using.
  2. Change the process that generates the download link, GBLink or URLLink. The new fulfillment URL used to generate eBook download links may need to be updated on the store side.

Note that if you don't complete the steps described here after changing your fulfillment URL, your fulfillment process may no longer work properly.

if you don't update your ACS certificate, fulfillment will not work if traffic stops coming to the right port.

After changing the URL in the fulfillment server, if the download URL paths in the database are not updated to match, existing books will not download. They will still be linked to the old URL.

After updating the store link, the existing download link and acsm files that contain the older URL address may not work properly.

Changing the fulfillment URL in Adobe Content Server

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